Could your Shopify app listing be the reason for low install rates?

Scaling Shopify Apps Newsletter

May 20th

Could your Shopify app listing be the reason for low install rates?

Hey there,

I’m delighted to share the very first issue of the Scaling Shopify Apps newsletter with you.

A bit about me: I’m Oyku, and I’ve spent 9 years in the tech industry, building and learning from various ventures, and leading growth for startups.

Recently, I’ve been leading growth for a Shopify app, Fabrikatör, diving deep into the Shopify ecosystem and marketing strategies. I’m excited to share my knowledge with fellow Shopify app entrepreneurs.

This newsletter is aimed to become a content hub for Shopify App Marketing, featuring my personal experiences, success stories of Shopify apps, tools, tips, and insights to help you drive growth for your Shopify app.

Let’s get started!

Make the best out of your Shopify App Listing Page

Your Shopify App Listing is your first impression, and if you manage to land merchants on your page, it’s where you convince them to “test” your app.

See if you’re on the right track?

77% of people say sight is their most important sense

  • People usually glance at images first to pick up cues before they decide to engage more deeply with the content. They also convey the message of professionalism. So, the visual elements on this page are pivotal.
  • Incorporating a "human element" in your visuals can significantly enhance trustworthiness. If a customer can discuss your product in a video, that’s ideal. Check what we did in Fabrikatör.
  • Professional demo videos are also great. You can also consider recording a brief Loom video to introduce yourself as the founder and demonstrate your app's key features. Just keep it concise and engaging.
  • Enhance your page with additional visuals that depict the problems your app addresses and how it solves them, using screenshots for illustration.

Action verbs speak louder

  • Treat your Shopify App Page just like a landing page. What makes a great landing page apart is a crisp copy.
  • When it comes to copywriting, action verbs speak louder than adjectives. Start your app introduction with a compelling action that addresses customers' concerns head-on.
  • Expand on your app's introduction in its description, diving deeper into “jobs to be done”. Adding some data to support your claims can be very effective. For instance, you can mention how much improvement your customers have experienced since using your product.
  • Remember, though you're incorporating keywords, write for real people, not just search engines. Yes, SEO is also important, which I’ll cover more about it in the upcoming issues.
  • Include a few descriptive words next to your brand name to enhance recognition and discoverability in the marketplace.
  • I’m a fan of bullet points—they're great for highlighting features and benefits concisely. Don’t miss this part.

Here is a great example from Gorgias:

Show merchants that they’re in good hands

  • A demo store can be an excellent tool for convincing potential users to try your app. If feasible, offering a demo call can alleviate Shopify merchants' concerns about your app interfering with their data or negatively impacting their store.
  • A common worry among merchants is the lack of support after they install an app. If you offer support—and you should—highlight this in your pricing packages. Responding to reviews also demonstrates active customer support.
  • Regarding reviews, look for more opportunities to encourage them.

In the next issue, I’ll talk about reviews in-depth, how to get great reviews for your app, and provide ready-to-use templates to ask for reviews.

See you next time…

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